EMERGREEN good practice: Assessment report on relevant Technologies, Methods & Systems for green growth type of services

A valuable asset for project partners when defining their services, based on successful experiences and existing knowledge in the partnership.

This week we would like to present you another good practice from the ERNACT led EMERGREEN project, the Assessment Report on relevant Technologies, Methods and Systems for green growth type of services.

The EMERGREEN project, funded by Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020, is one of the five projects participating in the ARCTIC PACER clustering project. This report, is set to take the stock of the existing experiences in the EMERGREEN partner regions and to assess the relevant available technologies or methods in order to inform the partners in the choice of the most suitable ones for the planned services.

The Assessment Report on relevant Technologies, Methods and Systems was used by the partners in the EMERGREEN project to identify and assess those experiences available in the participant regions. Rather than starting from scratch, the idea was to maximise the existing knowledge and expertise in the regions to address the development of the planned green growth public services in the project.

The specific fields of application relate to waste management and renewable energy and energy saving. Next, it pulls together experiences related to sustainability education and learning. It also includes existing experiences pertaining to and driven by the citizen engagement with innovative methods. It comprises a wide exploratory inventory of different technologies or methods with citizen participation in mind. This account was carried out in view of the subsequent development of 'Intelligent green participation service'.

The report was an important asset for partners when defining their services. It helped to the co-design process by following a practical approach on what could be developed based on successful experiences and existing knowledge in the partnership.

Also, the document is public and accessible for consultation to third parties. Furthermore, and since the ownership of experiences belongs to EMERGREEN partners, additional info or exchange of knowledge can be made in the framework of the ARCTIC PACER if required.

View the EMERGREEN assessment report.