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It considers eight different areas and it has been tested in Umeå kommun and Statens innkrevingssentral.
Stakeholders participating in digitally based co-design of public services.
Supporting innovation work in public organizations based on the development of problem-solving abilities.
Co-creating with older adults, organizations in the public social and health care sector and regional SMEs in the IT sector.
This project developed a methodology to guide organisations that want to involve their communities.
The project supports SMEs and IT companies to face challenges when investing in new business models.
CYNIC project presents an upcoming dissertation, open and free to join using Zoom!
A project to explore innovative business models for citizen centric public services.
A project to identify new innovative models for participative, user-centred, quality and sustainable public services.
A project that stresses on the importance of involving end-users in the development of meaningful digital services.
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